Wisdom teeth surgeries and removals are a common procedure. The wisdom teeth are also called the third molars and are the last to grow in your lifetime. They are located at the far corners of the mouth two at the top and two at the bottom.
Reasons for surgery Through a person’s teens, 28 teeth are already grown and in place. This means that there might be just about no room left for the wisdom tooth to grow appropriately. With deficiency of space, the teeth either emerge at an angle or just get stuck. The impacted wisdom teeth that haven’t broken through the surface of the gum fully can cause severe dental difficulties. There are resulting pain, infection and cyst formations that lead to ultimately extracting the teeth.
The procedure for extraction of wisdom tooth lasts for about 30 to 60 minutes.
Slight bleeding might be experienced the first day and jaw may seem sore and swollen. A soft food diet is recommended for almost 3 days after the surgery. Normal activities can be resumed within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to aid the healing process.