Oral medicine is also referred to as dental medicine or maxillofacial medicine. Even known as stomatology, it focuses on the treatment of the structures located around the mouth acting as an interface between dentistry and medicine. Predominantly concerned with the clinical diagnosis and non-surgical management of the orofacial region, it treats non-dental pathologies where systemic diseases have a tendency to manifest.
Plaque-induced diseases, hard tissue penetration of the epithelial continuity, cutaneous and gastrointestinal conditions are some of the pathologies that can affect the orofacial region.
Oral radiology also known as dental and maxillofacial radiology is relative to the analysis and conclusion of diagnostic imaging. Radiological data is collected to examine dental structures and adjacent craniofacial structures. Some of the imaging conducted at Sparks Cosmetic and Dental Centre are:
Radiological findings are characteristic to findings of pathological conditions which are interpretated in relation to the anatomical structures and their pathological evaluation.
For oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Sparks Cosmetic and Dental Centre oral radiology is an extremely valuable tool for planning prospective treatments.